There are three days in our history, His-Story, which completely defeated the revolt against God both in Heaven and Earth. These three days made the way to restore all creation back into its original harmony. These three days gave all mankind a way back to the glorious life in the Garden of Eden designed by our creator God. Every year we celebrate Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. We tend to forget there was also a second day, Saturday, when our Lord became “the Champion” over the entire dark Kingdom. Jesus rendered the devil powerless and reversed the fall of all creation.

On Good FridayJesus knelt in the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. His soul suffered to the decree of sweating great drops of blood as He surrendered to His destiny. He saw the cross that the sins of the whole world would lay on Him and knew God would have to forsake Him for a moment of time. This day He died on the cross in the greatest suffering which was the greatest victory ever won. The sacrifice for all sin was made and the debt mankind owed was paid. God Himself, In Jesus, became man, laying His life down as the ultimate sacrifice for all people. Now whoever will believe and repent can become like God living forever with Him. What a great exchange.  He was condemned, we were forgiven; He was forsaken, we were accepted; His soul broken, our soul made whole. The final word Jesus spoke on the cross, “It is finished,“echoed with great power throughout all eternity!

Picture the cross with me; there hung the Word who was with God in the beginning, who was God, the creator, willingly paying the price for the sin debt of the revolt against Him. This was the greatest demonstration of His amazing love.  There on that cross sin died, and the fallen nature of every person who would believe died.  (Galatians 2:20)  Sickness, disease and the curse were conquered. The DNA of God was transfusedto the believer. The Transformationto become like God was made possible and the believer was translated out of the dark orphanage of the devil into the Kingdom of light, the family of God. A great exchange was made, a translation happened, a transfusion was given, and a transformation was made possible for all mankind.  This began the process of the mystery of God to consummate heaven and earth as one in Christ Jesus. (Eph.1:10)  There is so much more!

Jesus looking at the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, disregarding its shame and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God. The joy He saw was all people who would believe, of every race, which would be His forever.  So let go of every sin that hinders you and run this race to win as though your life depended on it, because it does. Set your focus on Jesus who birthed His faith in you and will lead you into the finished work of that faith.                                                                   (Hebrews 12:1-3 Eph. 1; Ro.6, Gal.3:20) (Suggest reading Isaiah 53)

One of my favorite songs says it all; “AMAZING LOVE”

I’m forgiven; He was condemned; I’m accepted; He was forsaken.                                                       I’m alive and well, and His Spirit lives within me                                                                                 Because He died and rose again.                                                                                                                Amazing Love, how could it be, that you my King would die for me                                               Amazing Love, I know its true, and it’s my joy to honor you;                                                                         In all I do, I honor you.

TO BE CONTINUED:  Day Two: “The day the Champion conquered”    JANEE

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