We must operate in God’s love for it has great power but not without Gods truth. They walk together! They are married. If you capsule His truth in a spirit of pure love, that alone will make it digestible. It is only in God’s truth wrapped in His love that people can find real freedom to become all they are destined to be.

Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:16) Jesus said in John 8:32 that if we abide in His word we will know the truth and the truth will make us free. Truth is Jesus Christ, all He says and all He reveals through the Holy Scriptures.

 Truth is not the many opinions of any man but rather it is the Bible revealed by Holy Spirit who wrote it. The Bible is absolutely the whole and complete word of God. Truth is a resurrected man, the Lord Jesus Christ. “UNFAILING LOVE AND TRUTH HAVE MET TOGETHER. RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PEACE HAVE KISSED! “PSALM 85:10

Today in the Christian circle, I fear, truth is perverted and mixed with lies, with man’s traditions, and with the” idol of personal opinion.”  The only “eternal absolute” in this world is God’s word, which is revealed by Holy Spirit. Believers must return to seeking God alone and build their relationship with a real Triune God who loves perfectly. The Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit want an intimate relationship with His own. You will first learn to hear the voice of God through seeking Him in the Scriptures. We must never forsake the Bible replacing it for the teachings and writings of men. It is our only safe place. It is the living Word of God.

The greatest move of God on the earth is coming quickly and it will flow mightily where He sees the “Spirit of Holiness”.God is holy and dwells only with the ones in which He sees the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ. As He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, Be Holy, for I am holy.”  I Peter 1:15-16                                                           Janee

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