“Limited or Unlimited”

“God will be limited in our lives by our will. If we chose to give that will up to Him completely every day then the possibilities in our life will be Limitless!” 

God has given mankind a free will, imparting His likeness only to mankind. We have the life-changing power of choice. In doing this God took a risk in that even our creator would be limited by our choices. The amazing truth is when a believer chooses to give up His own will for God ‘s will then all limitations are off. Then God will move mightily and much faster in a person’s life without limits to perform the purpose or destiny of that believer. Nothing in this life will be as fulfilling as living in your personal destiny, which is your purpose for being on this earth.

This sounds easy but it sometimes takes a lifetime and a lot of trials and tribulations to understand that you still have more of your will to lose to God’s will. Jesus said, “Unless you lose your life you will never find it.” He also said few find it. Surrender is not easy but necessary to live the best life in Jesus, one that is truly full of grace and glory.

I have wondered many times how many destinies have gone to the grave never to be fulfilled. How many lives have been so robbed of their true identity? That identity can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ. He paid a brutal price with His own body and blood to buy mankind back from their fallen state of revolt against God. Now we have a choice to lay our lives down so we can truly find real life that is eternal. I believe the Lord that what He has planned for His own is far beyond our greatest imaginations or thoughts. God is forever and He made us forever. Lord, give us the grace to make our choices count for eternity. 

“God will be limited in our lives by our will. If we chose to give that will up to Him completely every day then the possibilities in our life will be Limitless!”




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