What is the depth of meaning in Christmas and a baby Jesus in a manger? The story began in eternity past as God the Word, being of the Triune God head, said yes to do what it would take to save mankind and earth. You see He was called the Word. He said yes to becoming flesh. He said yes to leaving all the glory of Heaven and His place beside the Father to be born like a human as a baby. He said yes to humble Himself as the most vulnerable human, a baby. He said yes to become just like us, with all the human experiences, feelings, pain, trials, & temptations. He said Yes, to encounter all it meant to be a human in a world that had been stolen by the Angel called Lucifer. They called him Jesus because He was sent to save. He said yes to giving his life, shedding His blood to cleanse all the rebellion or revolt against Heaven and mankind. He experienced everything in life that any of us would and died the most horrific death known to man on a cross after severe beatings and cruel persecutions.
Think a moment of what I just said and put yourself in this picture. What kind of love is this? What kind of love would completely give everything, your life, position, peace, your whole state of being; becoming something else in order to save your enemies who were lost in a rebellion. That is the depth of meaning to this Christmas baby who said yes. This baby, the son of God, was the Word who became flesh, a man, yet 100% God. He said yes to experience in every way what we experience, to feel everything we feel and to be persecuted his whole life for who he was, and finally to go the cross for every one of us to be able to say yes to Him and His plan of salvation. The whole creation groans in Lucifers domination over earth but because of this Love that said yes, the title deed to the earth has been redeemed back to the Father God. This Christmas baby grew, lived, and died and now reigns as a resurrected man who is 100% God, called the King of Kings, The Lord of Lords. He will return to bring the earth into the light of His peace, joy, and the greatest of all His love. What kind of Love is this? It actually can live in you and me. This is the reason for the Christmas baby that said YES! Will you say that kind of YES to Him? Janee Hawks