
Category Archives: Messages


The Bible tells us “to fix our thoughts”As the dictionary says to fix something is to fasten it securely in one place or position. Many times I have thought it is like setting the thermostat of our homes at a certain temperature so it will remain there steadfast as long as we leave it there. Likewise, we are to fix our eyes and our thoughts upon Jesus daily. It is critical that our thoughts are fixed on His ways, His words, His actions, His nature, and His power. We are to constantly discipline our thoughts. We must practice daily to securely fasten our thoughts to line up with His heart and mind. We must remember constantly what Holy Spirit has taught us through the Word and through the life experiences in our relationship with Jesus.

“Fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received fro me_ everything you heard fro me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. “(Phil 4:8-9)

Another powerful scripture for your thoughts is 2 Corinth 10:5 “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” God’s word is alive and you can experience it not just read it.  “If we believe it we can do the Word and it works. “ The Word is eternal and is the only absolute truth.

Our minds are the battlefield. The devil fights us the most through our thoughts.  Many times thoughts come that may be partially true but contain lies that would hinder us greatly, even change the direction of our lives. Sometimes we have thoughts we don’t know why or where they come from. Take these thoughts into captivity with Jesus and let Him take care of them. Visualize putting them in the Jail where Jesus holds the keys. He will let you know anything you need to know from there. Then rest and trust Him for He is always faithful.

The enemy will always give you thoughts to try to plant some darkness in your heart.  And lies or darkness that plants in your heart will defile your purity and defeat your victory walk in Jesus.Therefore, The word instructs us to “Keep your heart with all diligence for out of springs the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23 NKJV. “Guard your hearts above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” NLV

 We should always ask Holy Spirit to keep us in His light of revelation and discernment.  It is good to let this scripture be our constant prayer.

 Psalm 19:14

AMP: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable and pleasing in Your sight,
O Lord, my [firm, immovable] rock and my Redeemer. “

TPT: “So may the words of my mouth, my meditation-thoughts,
and every movement of my heart be always pure and pleasing,
acceptable before your eyes, my only Redeemer, my Protector-God.

Janee Hawks



I saw Great Grace and Abiding Glory standing at the door of 2019.

Early in January of this year, as I was praying, the Lord spoke to me this Statement; “Grace and Glory are standing at the door of 2019 ready to walk with those whose hearts fear the Lord and are seeking His will to be done on earth.”

Then as I prayed I saw like an allegory type vision: It was a heavenly scene and Jesus entered the scene dressed in brilliant light. I knew Holy Spirit was present as well for He was holding a scroll. It was the beginning of a Heavenly ceremony.  It is difficult to describe this but it seemed that out from the Holy Spirit came Grace standing personified. Then came glory in the same manner and they stood together side by side. Then the ceremony continued and a scroll was opened. Grace and Glory were being commissioned into a covenant union for the purpose of a great manifestation of God’s Kingdom on the earth in presence and power through the body of Christ. I could see that Grace was carrying the fire of God and Glory was carrying the presence and heart of God. Wherever Grace went Glory would be there too. They walked and moved together, a union of covenant power sent out from Holy Spirit to the body of Christ. I knew this was something Father God was orchestrating. It was for us to take hold of and appropriate into our lives this year.

Grace is the unmerited Blessing and favor of God in us and on us. His grace enables us to be more than we are; His grace anoints us for our assignments and missions, and teaches us to move in the supernatural. His grace trains us how to live godly in this world (Titus 2: 11-12), His grace enlightens us, illuminates us, strengthens us, enables His gifts to move through us. His grace reveals truth and mysteries of God to us.

His grace is sufficientfor all that we might face in this life. We carry his grace and it supplies God’s ability when we need it. His grace is sufficient to perform all the will of God through any difficulties. We are to glory in our infirmities and difficulties for in them His power will rest on us. (2 Corinthians 12:8-10.)                                                                                                                       “And God is able to make ALL grace abound toward you, that you, ALWAYS, having ALL sufficiency in ALL things, may have an abundance for EVERY good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8 “WOW ! More grace is given to us every time we humble ourselves before the Almighty God (2 Peter 5:5-6) for we know that without Him we can do nothing of eternal value.

Glory is the manifested presence of the Lord Jesus. Jesus present “with us” is Glory. He is always in us as we are in Him, but His abiding glory is when His presence is manifested in habitation with us not just visitation. In His habitation Glory we can operate in His ease, His rest, at all times, practicing to stay in this place in all we do.

When we can live in His glory it means He will be the one moving in us, through us and with us, performing His way, and uniquely drawing others to Himself like a magnet. We step aside and let Him move as He breathes on people around us and manifests His power. We are just being His clothes. Selah

His glory presence is like a cloud we can live in, ascend into heavenly places, which bypasses time to encase the past, present and future. It is gained or acquired in the your intimate private tent of meeting with the Lord. Exodus 33 is the best scripture story to teach us. Read the chapter carefully. Moses was a friend of God; He went aside to his tent of meeting away from the camp to meet with God. Every time the cloud of glory would come over the tent, others would see it and be drawn into worship.

God spoke to Moses face to face. Moses was to lead the millions of people on to the Promised Land. Moses says to God, “Who are you sending with me Lord for You have said I have found GRACE in you sight?” And the Lord says, “My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest” Then Moses says what we all need to say, Lord if your Presence does not go with us then let us not go, for how will others know that You are with us, that we are your people, that have found GRACE in you sight. Lord, show us Your GLORY. The Lord promised Moses to let His goodness (JESUS) pass by him and to hide him in the cleft of the Rock which He passed by. This is a great picture of His Grace & Glory working together. God is ready to do this again in a fresh powerful way for His people.

We are to take hold of this truth and pursue the Lord for this union of a powerful new impartation of His Grace & Glory for 2019 and I would advise that we are to receive it first thing every morning before we rise for the day. I pray all who take time to read this will receive this word by faith and experience the manifestation in real life.

Father we say, who are you sending with us this year? We ask that Grace and Glory would go with us in 2019 and walk with us daily, abiding in us and with us as we stay in intimate communion with You, Holy Spirit. Grace and Glory abide with us as we live face to face with Jesus. Let our eyes, ears, and heart be covered with the light of Your presence that we my Know, see and speak as you direct bringing the manifestation of the kingdom of God in our world. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord we pray and believe.                 Janee Hawks 1/8/19



Many come in to the Secret Place with the Lord, but forget to shut the door. We may miss what is most important for us. We need to remember to shut the door. Matthew 6:6 “But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private.”

I believe that some of shutting the door is just a constant consciousness effort each time we pray of closing all the cares of life out of your mind and determining not to let anything or anyone distract you from your special time with the Lord no matter how long it is or short. Always it is the quality not necessarily the quantity.
I will just share some practical and simple things that might be helpful reminders of how to shut the door. Sometimes we know these things but just need reminded. I know I do.
So first of all you may want to shut off your phone. If you open your technology and connect with social media it might steal from the time you want to give Jesus. Just work it out so you don’t miss the time with your Creator. You also may need to get up a little earlier or stay up at night for the time. There are days I will skip the noon meal, find a quiet place and pray. If you are home get comfortable place to pray and even shut a real door if possible. Have just your bible and a pen and paper with you. Set this time as best you can when you can be alert and are least apt to be needed or interrupted.
Whenever and wherever you pray He is there with you because He is always faithful. The Lord loves to hear your voice so sing or just thank and praise, as He is as close as the breath you breathe. Romans 10:8 “The message is very close at hand; It is on your lips and in your heart.” Practice and perfect the art of being still in His presence and tune your ears into His voice. Ask Him to show you what is on His heart and mind. Ask Him who and what you need to bring before Him, because if you are like me there are too many and too much to remember. Write things down. Every day ask and trust faithful Holy Spirit to speak to you about the prayer needs of the day and for the grace to love and be obedient. This way His burden is light and His yoke easy because you will be moving with Holy Spirit. When I quit striving to do things right and just lean into Holy Spirit it is like the EASE of moving in water.
Lastly, when we pray we must pray IN FAITH and WITH FATIH. That is praying what God says and thinks and then believing it.                                                       Janee Hawks



Another name to call Mothers could well be “Grace & Mercy”

Woman is meant to be the image of the female side of God for sure. She reveals the heart of God as not only a Father but as a Mother.

God is Grace and God is Mercy. Grace and Mercy are the warm arms of God that hold us secure and wrap around us with love throughout our lives. His arms pick us up and give us a push forward and upward to our purpose.

When God took that rib from Adam and made a woman He mixed the golden threads of Grace and Mercy together and knitted it into the heart of the woman to be a Mother.

God graces a Mother with a tender heart toward all those she has birthed and nurtured; some are natural children, some may be adopted and some spiritual children. She empowers her children to become all they were meant to be. She is gentle but strong, She is forgiving but wise, She is patient, but progressive. She is kind but firm. She is sometimes true friend but foe. She has played the role in her child’s life of whatever they needed at the time, be it playmate, nurse, trainer, teacher, guide, counselor,, friend, or best cheerleader. Her heart knows great love, but great pain. She carries but releases. She gives her children security but wings. She holds on tight but lets go freely.

Whether she is a new mother, young mother, busy mother, lonely mother, unhealthy or older mother she is always a MOTHER. She is always in Her role.

Respect and Honor should always go to all MOTHERS!                                                          MOTHERS are an image of the arms of God, Grace and Mercy.

A Tribute to my 3 Daughters and Daughter in Love; Ronda, Robin, Ranee and Melody.

They all so gracefully and wonderfully fit the role of a God fearing mother. Their lives are decorated with the blessing of sacrifice and kindness. They effortlessly give and forgive, persevering, trusting, and loving their children unconditionally. They guide with patience, hopeful and believing the best. They see beyond the natural to help win the battles for their children. As wise mothers they have seen beyond the outward to the inward, and have been the greatest encouragement for all their children to find the treasure within. They all four give of themselves endlessly without considering their own needs first. They take their role as Mothers seriously before God and I am so thankful today that they have never given up trying to be the kind of Mother their children each need. I thank God for them today and for the 12 Grand’s I have because of their grit, courage and faithfulness.                                                             Janee Hawks


It was somewhere between heaven and earth I was being caught up into the vision which I will call “The Path of Humble Authority“ This vision was not just for me only, but was meant to be shared with the body of Christ especially to those who long to be a true disciple of Christ. So put yourself in this vision and see that Jesus is drawing you to this humble authority.

VISION: I first saw an opening, then a path going upward to heaven that looked like a brilliant red carpet. I knew the Lord had done this and was inviting me to go up. As I started up I just knew this red carpet was created from a lifestyle on earth of forgiveness, repentance and purity through Christ’s blood. It was amazing; as Jesus made known to me that heaven’s red carpet is earth’s bloody path. When I reached the top I could see the Father was there but I could only see His glorious light. I also saw Ricky my little son sitting with Jesus and smiling at me as if to say I watch you and am waiting for you.

Then Jesus walked up to me as to greet me. He held a beautiful red robe in His hands, which He placed on me. As I felt the robe on my body I knew it symbolized a life drenched in His blood. Faith in Jesus shed blood created this robe to always cover, to cleanse and to give His very own life and strength. The Lord motioned to me to come sit with Him. Before I could sit down in my own personal chair He came to me and placed a gold chain around my neck. I just knew the gold chain was giving me the authority to rule and reign in my personal inheritance and I felt the life-giving strength of the beautiful blood-red robe around my shoulders as it covered me.

Then Jesus reached out for my hand and placed a ring on my finger that had the imprint of the face of a Lion on it. This ring belonged to the Lion of the tribe of Judah. I knew it was His ring given for me to use in His behalf, by the authority of His name. I was overcome with His presence as Jesus said to me, “I have placed my roar in you that you will prevail and I will lead you.” I knew this was a place of my being seated with Christ in heavenly places as is revealed in Scripture. Jesus sat down at the right hand of Father. He held His scepter in His right hand. He reached out His scepter to me and I touched it. Now I am hearing” Ask and It shall be given.” I saw the words “if you abide in Me and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. John 15:7 Suddenly I saw a fire close to the throne and Jesus said to step into it, so I did. It was a holy fire and I felt its power. When I stepped out of the fire there was a blue flame resting on me.

The scene suddenly changed and I was back on the earth. I was walking on a narrow dusty road. I was wearing a brown robe with a large hood on it. You could hardly see my face. It seemed I was walking hidden in this brown robe. I knew it was a robe of humility and hiddenness that a lowly servant would wear, but also it was for protection. The Lord said to me I have shown you now how I want you to live your life. You will rule and reign in My Kingdom matters and operate your life on the earth from My heart. You are here seated with Me in heavenly places with all My authority for all I have destined for you, but you must walk out your life on the earth as a servant of all with my humility. Then you will be hidden with me in the Fathers will. I have given you a Kingdom….I saw a shoreline …and nations. I did hear more but for now I feel the Lord would have you pray on this vision for what He would say to you and add to you.



This is the robe: “For if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” I Jo. 1:7

 This is the red carpet: We can come boldly to Holiest by the blood of Jesus. It’s a new and living way or path. Hebrews 10:19-20

 The Blood of Christ is authority and Power: For there are three that bear witness in heaven, The Father, the Word and the Holy Sprit and these there are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth; the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and these three are as one. I John 5:7-8

Let me explain what the Lord revealed to me from the verse: When the Spirit, the cleansing word, and faith in the blood of Christ come together to witness on the earth it will align with Heavens witness of the Father, the Word (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. This alignment is power and glory for Jesus happens and heaven comes to earth. The blood is an integral part of heaven and earth meeting together as is the word and the Spirit. Therefore we rejoice that in life and in death Jesus provided “the bloody path we humbly walk and the royal bloody robe we gladly wear.” We boldly thank Jesus for sending Holy Spirit into our spirit giving us the authority and power to live out this life victorious in His glorious light. I will “walk it and wear it” with faith and hope. There is wonder working power in the Blood of the Lamb of God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and the Son of God.


 God made us alive together with Christ and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, far above all other powers. Ephesians 2:5-6; 1:20-23 This is NOW beloved.

The “scepter” has meaning in the book of Esther as she gave all to stand before the King. If she found favor the king would allow her to touch his scepter and ask what she desired. Esther 5:2-3 This is amazing grace

Daniel and Joseph were given” gold chains around their necks’ when they were appointed to rule and reign in the Kingdom. (Daniel 5:20;Genesis 41:42) We are given this gold chain to rule and reign in the Kingdom as we are given our own personal inheritance on the earth. Jesus Christ is the King of kings. We were born to rule.

Revelation 1: 5-6 “and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever.”

“The Holy Fire and blue flame” could pertain to Revelation 5:5 says Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne,, which are the seven Sprits of God. The Seven spirits of God are the seven spirits resting on Christ in prophesied in Isaiah 11:1-3 which also rest on us as we abide in Christ. Also the hottest purest fire will burn blue. Blue is symbolic of heavenly fire.

PRAYER:  Father I ask in the name of Jesus Christ your Son for Holy Spirit to give the understanding and the revelation of all that you are saying to your people and ignite them with the power of this vision as you have shown me. Release the power of this vision deep within every one who reads it with an open heart toward You Father. Give us the grace to walk in the humble authority you died to give. Do Holy Spirit what only You can do.                                                                                                       Janee Hawks


Grace comes from God. A measure of God’s grace is upon the whole world, because it belongs to Him and He holds it all by the word of His power. However a disciple of Christ has access to His “amazing grace” without measure.


Great grace was on the early church. The supernatural life in Christ cannot be lived without His amazing grace. This grace knows no limits in a humble heart where anything is made possible. His grace is stronger than the deepest darkest sin of mankind’s fallen nature. It is stronger than the very best that mankind could ever produce. It is God who is sufficient inside a believing heart. His grace will always give strength, endurance, and ability beyond the human capability and undeserved favor for whatever is needed.


His grace has no measure in the empowerment to accomplish His will on the earth. It goes on and on and on. It never ends. You can’t reach too high, go too low, stretch too far or extend too wide that His grace is not present to help and to empower those who love Him. The riches in His grace surpass all else. God’s grace in a life can become much more than one could ever be in the natural. Count it all joy believers, for whatever you face in this life His grace will always be sufficient for you.


We are to grow in grace as we grow in the knowledge of Christ Jesus. The scriptures say to humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and He will give you more grace. Keep your heart yielded, be completely obedient and utterly dependent on God. These are great pathways to experience the ability to go beyond what you can do. We get stronger in spirit as we go from faith to faith and grace to grace. We always need more grace to live a supernatural lifestyle, which is living heavens culture on this earth. That is our challenge as a believer, Christ in us the hope of glory.


Faith in the amazing grace of God starts with hearing His voice and obeying that voice. When you know you have heard His voice something powerful happens inside you. Faith replaces fear, Courage arises and doubt is gone. Hope and expectancy comes to life as never before. The voice of God is powerful and when you obey that voice great grace will be upon you to accomplish His will. You will see miracles happen and surprise you. I have experienced this many times in my journey with the Lord, and that would be a book. When tragedy or difficult times come, when trials linger on, or the unexpected shakes our very foundation, His grace will keep and sustain. When circumstances are beyond human ability God will give His amazing grace


And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One). He did this that He might clearly demonstrate through the ages to come the immeasurable (limitless, surpassing) riches of His free grace (His unmerited favor) in [His] kindness and goodness of heart toward us in Christ Jesus Ephesians 2:6-7 (AMPC)

Study Grace: John 1:17; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10; Ephesians 2:6-7;  2 Corinthians 9:8; James 4:6; Romans 4:16; 6:14; Ephesians 4:7; 4:29; Hebrews 4:16; 12:28; 13:9; Psalm 29:4; I peter 1:13-14

“Never a victim, Always a Victor”

                         “NEVER A VICTIM, ALWAYS A VICTOR”
The devil’s strategy is sly and deceptive constantly trying to slip a lie into your mind that will steal your focus and weaken your faith. Recently many different afflictions of pain have hit me. Constant pain can hinder your focus and try to weaken your faith. It can make you feel you are losing the battle and bring confusion. I had pain in so many places I did not know for which one to request prayer. It became ridiculous. In my mind I was thinking the enemy hates me and is attacking me because he wants to hold me back. This may have some truth to it but it was the wrong thinking. It was not faith thinking. The measure of difficulty, or trouble, or pain, or crisis we might face does not change the truth that the Just shall live by faith. We live and move and have our being by the faith of Jesus within us. It is Christ in us the hope of glory.

Jesus said to me so clear, “Janee you are never a victim of your enemies or any circumstances; but in everything you are the victor. You are always the Victor for you belong to me and I have made you to always triumph. I lead you forth from a victory I won completely. When I said from the cross, “it is finished,” there was nothing left to conquer. Now there is nothing you cannot overcome in my strength and my grace. There is nothing you cannot triumph over through My blood, My Word and My Sprit In you. No matter what you face in this life never forget you are my trophy, my treasure, my beloved, always the victorious, and always the triumphant. Holy Spirit reminds me of this scripture. And it had fresh meaning like fresh bread for the day.

In 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 AMP listen to His voice here:
“But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere, For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which exhales] unto God, [discernible like] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing”

So I thank God, the scripture and the Lord’s voice changed everything inside me. His word says to me that when I get up every morning for another day I am already a winner. No matter what I face I can expect something good from it. I can come out a winner. I am more than a conqueror because Christ Jesus has already won the complete victory and given it to me. My part of this victory is to just believe and align my heart, mind and mouth up with the truth of what God says regardless of the reality that may be present. Sometimes you sing the truth, sometimes you speak the truth, sometimes you just rest in it and sometimes having done all you just stand on it steadfast letting the hope of God within you anchor your soul into His presence.
You are never a victim. You are always a victor” Janee



Lord, we ask you today for real peace! Peace is “freedom.” Webster says peace is freedom from war, violence, and all disturbances that would keep you from quiet tranquility or mental calm and serenity.

Peace is a heavenly commodity that has to come to earth through the kingdom of God. It is His gift to us who believe and see Christ Jesus for who He is. Jesus said when he went away, I will not leave you comfortless but I will give you another in My place. He will be My peace in you. Peace I leave with you, it is My gift to you, and it is not the same as the peace the world gives. This peace that is so beyond our understanding is found in communion with the Holy Spirit who Jesus has given to His own.

I want to share one experience that has made this truth a reality that lives in me. In 1970 I experienced a peace that I knew was supernatural and would always be with me. My three-year-old son died after five days in a hospital struggling to live due to a tonsillectomy. Respiratory complications existed in recovery room and he was not able to regain the damage done. I leaned into Jesus who I was just getting to know. He graced me with a holy peace and wrapped His arms of strength around me. The strength of His peace gave me a sense of security. Even though there was the shock of crisis and the deep grief of loss I was able to function in a calm state of serenity. In the weeks, months and years to follow I was to learn about His peace and His great faithfulness in the midst of the worst crisis I could imagine.

In the midst of this particular lengthy life-storm I was divinely kept in a state of freedom from damage and despair. It was real peace. The peace rested faithfully in my heart and mind. It was not dependant on what difficulties I had to face going through a funeral, or telling his two sisters why he was no longer with us. It was not dependant on the rough days ahead for me of missing his smile and giggles, or his hugs and kisses. When I had to remove his clothes and toys from his room my tears flowed like a river but it felt that they were being kept and used to wash away my grief. When I had to set the table without my little son’s plate my aching heart struggled in desperation for comfort and I found it in a divine person who knew pain and heartache beyond any man. Jesus shared His comfort with me and now I know how to share comfort with others. This peace had His strength in it that enabled me to do what I would have never believed I could do. I found a part of me that I did not know existed. There were times of grieving that I felt so life-less and despondent but as I leaned into Jesus it would change.

Looking back the best description of what I experienced is it seemed like a liquid healing ointment would touch me and was being smeared on my heart. I know now it was the love of God. You see this became Jesus revealed to me. This touch was a person; it was Jesus, who has been my faithful redeemer and friend now for 38 years. And it was Holy Spirit; Who Jesus gave as His gift to be in me and with me. And through every trial of life I am still learning to lean into His peace more and more.

You do not find real peace when your bank account is full, or when your job is secure, or your health insurance is paying the doctor bills. You don’t find real peace when life is handing you all sunshine and roses. You find real peace that passes all human understanding in great trials, impossible challenges, and the raging storms of life. His treasures are found in dark lonely places of emptiness, pain and brokenness. He is very near in times of trouble and so ready to show us who He is for us. He is always there to give His peace.

Today this country is facing a storm of great velocity that will shake the lives of many, including believers. People need the Lord. This world cannot find this kind of peace until the King of peace returns again to the earth. His Kingdom is peace. Jesus Christ is real peace personified. He gives Himself to us in the gift of the Holy Spirit Who will forever be with us and in us regardless of the worst circumstances. Holy Spirit is comfort and much more.

Lord, again, we ask you today for real peace! There is hardly a nation, a family or a person who is not in need of this real peace today.

But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you. “Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.] John 14:26-27 Amplified                               JANEE HAWKS



GOD IS MUCH MORE     ( RE-POSTED as it got erased from my site)

Hope you all had a Wonderful Christmas Season! Vince and I are wishing you a Blessed New Year for 2016!
Just reminded at this time of what a “MUCH MORE” GOD we serve. Just so thankful to belong to the Lord. Wanted to share my thankfulness today with you.
The Lord has always been “much more” than anything I have ever walked through in this life. He has been “much more” than any tragedy I have faced in life. He has been “much more” than any loss I have experienced. He has been “much more” than any trial, test, or temptation, experienced through the years whether short term or a long enduring ones. The Lord has always been “faithful and true.” He has been always present giving me whatever I needed through all valleys and the mountain tops. He has been “much more” than the wilderness, the desert times, or the enduring tests I have walked through. He is a very present help, “much more” in every trouble. There is nothing we can face in this life that He is not “Much More”.He is higher than any mountain top, deeper than any pit, stronger than any crisis, and sweeter than any other through it all. What a comfort our God is, what a joy, and what a hope we have to anchor us inside that special chamber of His love no matter what comes our way. Thank you Father God for being “much more” in everything we face. Thank you Lord Jesus , thank you Holy Spirit for being so “MUCH MORE” than anything or anyone to all of us again this New Year of 2016.
Believing for 100-fold increase in Sprit to Sprit communion for us all this year.  

Romans 5: 8-10 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.
Romans 8: 31-32 If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?                              
Kingdom Blessings!
Love in Christ,



 “And you shall love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul, with ALL your mind, and with ALL your strength.’ This is the first commandment. Mark 12:30

Jesus answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul, with ALL your strength, and with ALL your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27

What does that look like?

 All is a big word but it is a Key decision that opens up the heart for God to pour out His Divine Love in our lives. It takes a lifetime of faithfully keeping the heart on that journey. Scripture says to Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it flow all the issues of life.

The spiritual heart is a deep place, a large intricate place with many avenues and rooms, unique to each person. It lies deep in the inner man. I actually believe it joins the soul and spirit together. Just maybe half rests in the subconscious mind and the other half in the spirit of man. Every heart enters this world with a fallen nature and must be born a second time; made new by the Holy Spirit. Christ is the great caretaker of the hearts of mankind. He is the heart mender, the heart healer. He is always standing at the door of hearts knocking longing to make Himself known. He alone can soften a hard heart and make it sensitive to His voice and able to receive His undying love. Therefore, we are to keep a watch over our heart asking Holy Spirit to alarm us of anything in our heart that does not please Him or is not the way of righteousness.

Many times I pray, “Holy Ghost to do an MRI on the motives of my heart so they can be pure in Your eyes, show me where they are not. Now I give You, Holy Spirit, permission to go into every room, every avenue of my heart with Your light and shine so bright that it shows up any thing that is harmful, evil, or unpleasing to you. Sweep every area clean, remove the dust of worldliness, take out all trash, remove any broken things, throw out all lies that have rooted, examine any un-forgiveness I’ve swept under the rugs, even take fearful pictures or painful experiences off the walls of every room in my heart. Shine your glory into ALL of my heart and fill my whole heart with Your love. Hang your pictures, (Your visions and dreams) in every room of my heart so my focus will always be first on You. Give me that big “amazing grace chair” of trust and rest You have shown me. Place one in every room. Your word to me is that Your grace is so much greater than our comfort zone and it will supersede any uncomfortable challenge I face in this life. Decorate every room in my heart with heavens colors so I will be able to know and see Your beauty and goodness deep in my inner man. There is a throne in the center of my heart and I am asking You Lord to please rest firmly on that throne completely and constantly. I relinquish control to You and surrender all my rights to You. You are life, You suffered and died to give me life, you rose again to give me the power of Your own Spirit. You only, You alone, deserve to be absolute King and Lord of my heart. This lifetime is a fast moving train taking us to an eternal immortal life. It is a journey of learning to Love you with ALL my heart and then myself and others.”

Question: And now how do we know this great love the Father has given us?


In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. I John 4:9-10

 By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. I John 3:16 Jesus said there was no greater love than to lay down ones life for his friends. John 15:9-14

The love of God is poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5

Question: And how can we love God with the love He has given us?


Jesus said if anyone loves Me he will keep My word, and My Father will love him and We will come to him and make Our home with him. John 14:23

 “Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments.  He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.  But whoever keeps His word; truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him.  He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.” I John 2: 3-6

“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul,” Deuteronomy 10:12

Next we will discuss learning to Love the Lord with Part 2, ALL OUR SOUL …