Grace comes from God. A measure of God’s grace is upon the whole world, because it belongs to Him and He holds it all by the word of His power. However a disciple of Christ has access to His “amazing grace” without measure.


Great grace was on the early church. The supernatural life in Christ cannot be lived without His amazing grace. This grace knows no limits in a humble heart where anything is made possible. His grace is stronger than the deepest darkest sin of mankind’s fallen nature. It is stronger than the very best that mankind could ever produce. It is God who is sufficient inside a believing heart. His grace will always give strength, endurance, and ability beyond the human capability and undeserved favor for whatever is needed.


His grace has no measure in the empowerment to accomplish His will on the earth. It goes on and on and on. It never ends. You can’t reach too high, go too low, stretch too far or extend too wide that His grace is not present to help and to empower those who love Him. The riches in His grace surpass all else. God’s grace in a life can become much more than one could ever be in the natural. Count it all joy believers, for whatever you face in this life His grace will always be sufficient for you.


We are to grow in grace as we grow in the knowledge of Christ Jesus. The scriptures say to humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and He will give you more grace. Keep your heart yielded, be completely obedient and utterly dependent on God. These are great pathways to experience the ability to go beyond what you can do. We get stronger in spirit as we go from faith to faith and grace to grace. We always need more grace to live a supernatural lifestyle, which is living heavens culture on this earth. That is our challenge as a believer, Christ in us the hope of glory.


Faith in the amazing grace of God starts with hearing His voice and obeying that voice. When you know you have heard His voice something powerful happens inside you. Faith replaces fear, Courage arises and doubt is gone. Hope and expectancy comes to life as never before. The voice of God is powerful and when you obey that voice great grace will be upon you to accomplish His will. You will see miracles happen and surprise you. I have experienced this many times in my journey with the Lord, and that would be a book. When tragedy or difficult times come, when trials linger on, or the unexpected shakes our very foundation, His grace will keep and sustain. When circumstances are beyond human ability God will give His amazing grace


And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One). He did this that He might clearly demonstrate through the ages to come the immeasurable (limitless, surpassing) riches of His free grace (His unmerited favor) in [His] kindness and goodness of heart toward us in Christ Jesus Ephesians 2:6-7 (AMPC)

Study Grace: John 1:17; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10; Ephesians 2:6-7;  2 Corinthians 9:8; James 4:6; Romans 4:16; 6:14; Ephesians 4:7; 4:29; Hebrews 4:16; 12:28; 13:9; Psalm 29:4; I peter 1:13-14

“Never a victim, Always a Victor”

                         “NEVER A VICTIM, ALWAYS A VICTOR”
The devil’s strategy is sly and deceptive constantly trying to slip a lie into your mind that will steal your focus and weaken your faith. Recently many different afflictions of pain have hit me. Constant pain can hinder your focus and try to weaken your faith. It can make you feel you are losing the battle and bring confusion. I had pain in so many places I did not know for which one to request prayer. It became ridiculous. In my mind I was thinking the enemy hates me and is attacking me because he wants to hold me back. This may have some truth to it but it was the wrong thinking. It was not faith thinking. The measure of difficulty, or trouble, or pain, or crisis we might face does not change the truth that the Just shall live by faith. We live and move and have our being by the faith of Jesus within us. It is Christ in us the hope of glory.

Jesus said to me so clear, “Janee you are never a victim of your enemies or any circumstances; but in everything you are the victor. You are always the Victor for you belong to me and I have made you to always triumph. I lead you forth from a victory I won completely. When I said from the cross, “it is finished,” there was nothing left to conquer. Now there is nothing you cannot overcome in my strength and my grace. There is nothing you cannot triumph over through My blood, My Word and My Sprit In you. No matter what you face in this life never forget you are my trophy, my treasure, my beloved, always the victorious, and always the triumphant. Holy Spirit reminds me of this scripture. And it had fresh meaning like fresh bread for the day.

In 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 AMP listen to His voice here:
“But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere, For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which exhales] unto God, [discernible like] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing”

So I thank God, the scripture and the Lord’s voice changed everything inside me. His word says to me that when I get up every morning for another day I am already a winner. No matter what I face I can expect something good from it. I can come out a winner. I am more than a conqueror because Christ Jesus has already won the complete victory and given it to me. My part of this victory is to just believe and align my heart, mind and mouth up with the truth of what God says regardless of the reality that may be present. Sometimes you sing the truth, sometimes you speak the truth, sometimes you just rest in it and sometimes having done all you just stand on it steadfast letting the hope of God within you anchor your soul into His presence.
You are never a victim. You are always a victor” Janee



Lord, we ask you today for real peace! Peace is “freedom.” Webster says peace is freedom from war, violence, and all disturbances that would keep you from quiet tranquility or mental calm and serenity.

Peace is a heavenly commodity that has to come to earth through the kingdom of God. It is His gift to us who believe and see Christ Jesus for who He is. Jesus said when he went away, I will not leave you comfortless but I will give you another in My place. He will be My peace in you. Peace I leave with you, it is My gift to you, and it is not the same as the peace the world gives. This peace that is so beyond our understanding is found in communion with the Holy Spirit who Jesus has given to His own.

I want to share one experience that has made this truth a reality that lives in me. In 1970 I experienced a peace that I knew was supernatural and would always be with me. My three-year-old son died after five days in a hospital struggling to live due to a tonsillectomy. Respiratory complications existed in recovery room and he was not able to regain the damage done. I leaned into Jesus who I was just getting to know. He graced me with a holy peace and wrapped His arms of strength around me. The strength of His peace gave me a sense of security. Even though there was the shock of crisis and the deep grief of loss I was able to function in a calm state of serenity. In the weeks, months and years to follow I was to learn about His peace and His great faithfulness in the midst of the worst crisis I could imagine.

In the midst of this particular lengthy life-storm I was divinely kept in a state of freedom from damage and despair. It was real peace. The peace rested faithfully in my heart and mind. It was not dependant on what difficulties I had to face going through a funeral, or telling his two sisters why he was no longer with us. It was not dependant on the rough days ahead for me of missing his smile and giggles, or his hugs and kisses. When I had to remove his clothes and toys from his room my tears flowed like a river but it felt that they were being kept and used to wash away my grief. When I had to set the table without my little son’s plate my aching heart struggled in desperation for comfort and I found it in a divine person who knew pain and heartache beyond any man. Jesus shared His comfort with me and now I know how to share comfort with others. This peace had His strength in it that enabled me to do what I would have never believed I could do. I found a part of me that I did not know existed. There were times of grieving that I felt so life-less and despondent but as I leaned into Jesus it would change.

Looking back the best description of what I experienced is it seemed like a liquid healing ointment would touch me and was being smeared on my heart. I know now it was the love of God. You see this became Jesus revealed to me. This touch was a person; it was Jesus, who has been my faithful redeemer and friend now for 38 years. And it was Holy Spirit; Who Jesus gave as His gift to be in me and with me. And through every trial of life I am still learning to lean into His peace more and more.

You do not find real peace when your bank account is full, or when your job is secure, or your health insurance is paying the doctor bills. You don’t find real peace when life is handing you all sunshine and roses. You find real peace that passes all human understanding in great trials, impossible challenges, and the raging storms of life. His treasures are found in dark lonely places of emptiness, pain and brokenness. He is very near in times of trouble and so ready to show us who He is for us. He is always there to give His peace.

Today this country is facing a storm of great velocity that will shake the lives of many, including believers. People need the Lord. This world cannot find this kind of peace until the King of peace returns again to the earth. His Kingdom is peace. Jesus Christ is real peace personified. He gives Himself to us in the gift of the Holy Spirit Who will forever be with us and in us regardless of the worst circumstances. Holy Spirit is comfort and much more.

Lord, again, we ask you today for real peace! There is hardly a nation, a family or a person who is not in need of this real peace today.

But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you. “Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.] John 14:26-27 Amplified                               JANEE HAWKS



GOD IS MUCH MORE     ( RE-POSTED as it got erased from my site)

Hope you all had a Wonderful Christmas Season! Vince and I are wishing you a Blessed New Year for 2016!
Just reminded at this time of what a “MUCH MORE” GOD we serve. Just so thankful to belong to the Lord. Wanted to share my thankfulness today with you.
The Lord has always been “much more” than anything I have ever walked through in this life. He has been “much more” than any tragedy I have faced in life. He has been “much more” than any loss I have experienced. He has been “much more” than any trial, test, or temptation, experienced through the years whether short term or a long enduring ones. The Lord has always been “faithful and true.” He has been always present giving me whatever I needed through all valleys and the mountain tops. He has been “much more” than the wilderness, the desert times, or the enduring tests I have walked through. He is a very present help, “much more” in every trouble. There is nothing we can face in this life that He is not “Much More”.He is higher than any mountain top, deeper than any pit, stronger than any crisis, and sweeter than any other through it all. What a comfort our God is, what a joy, and what a hope we have to anchor us inside that special chamber of His love no matter what comes our way. Thank you Father God for being “much more” in everything we face. Thank you Lord Jesus , thank you Holy Spirit for being so “MUCH MORE” than anything or anyone to all of us again this New Year of 2016.
Believing for 100-fold increase in Sprit to Sprit communion for us all this year.  

Romans 5: 8-10 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.
Romans 8: 31-32 If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?                              
Kingdom Blessings!
Love in Christ,



 “And you shall love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul, with ALL your mind, and with ALL your strength.’ This is the first commandment. Mark 12:30

Jesus answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul, with ALL your strength, and with ALL your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27

What does that look like?

 All is a big word but it is a Key decision that opens up the heart for God to pour out His Divine Love in our lives. It takes a lifetime of faithfully keeping the heart on that journey. Scripture says to Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it flow all the issues of life.

The spiritual heart is a deep place, a large intricate place with many avenues and rooms, unique to each person. It lies deep in the inner man. I actually believe it joins the soul and spirit together. Just maybe half rests in the subconscious mind and the other half in the spirit of man. Every heart enters this world with a fallen nature and must be born a second time; made new by the Holy Spirit. Christ is the great caretaker of the hearts of mankind. He is the heart mender, the heart healer. He is always standing at the door of hearts knocking longing to make Himself known. He alone can soften a hard heart and make it sensitive to His voice and able to receive His undying love. Therefore, we are to keep a watch over our heart asking Holy Spirit to alarm us of anything in our heart that does not please Him or is not the way of righteousness.

Many times I pray, “Holy Ghost to do an MRI on the motives of my heart so they can be pure in Your eyes, show me where they are not. Now I give You, Holy Spirit, permission to go into every room, every avenue of my heart with Your light and shine so bright that it shows up any thing that is harmful, evil, or unpleasing to you. Sweep every area clean, remove the dust of worldliness, take out all trash, remove any broken things, throw out all lies that have rooted, examine any un-forgiveness I’ve swept under the rugs, even take fearful pictures or painful experiences off the walls of every room in my heart. Shine your glory into ALL of my heart and fill my whole heart with Your love. Hang your pictures, (Your visions and dreams) in every room of my heart so my focus will always be first on You. Give me that big “amazing grace chair” of trust and rest You have shown me. Place one in every room. Your word to me is that Your grace is so much greater than our comfort zone and it will supersede any uncomfortable challenge I face in this life. Decorate every room in my heart with heavens colors so I will be able to know and see Your beauty and goodness deep in my inner man. There is a throne in the center of my heart and I am asking You Lord to please rest firmly on that throne completely and constantly. I relinquish control to You and surrender all my rights to You. You are life, You suffered and died to give me life, you rose again to give me the power of Your own Spirit. You only, You alone, deserve to be absolute King and Lord of my heart. This lifetime is a fast moving train taking us to an eternal immortal life. It is a journey of learning to Love you with ALL my heart and then myself and others.”

Question: And now how do we know this great love the Father has given us?


In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. I John 4:9-10

 By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. I John 3:16 Jesus said there was no greater love than to lay down ones life for his friends. John 15:9-14

The love of God is poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5

Question: And how can we love God with the love He has given us?


Jesus said if anyone loves Me he will keep My word, and My Father will love him and We will come to him and make Our home with him. John 14:23

 “Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments.  He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.  But whoever keeps His word; truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him.  He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.” I John 2: 3-6

“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul,” Deuteronomy 10:12

Next we will discuss learning to Love the Lord with Part 2, ALL OUR SOUL …






I saw many people standing out in a very heavy rain. They all had umbrella’s opened protecting them from the rain. I noticed the umbrellas were dark preventing the sunlight. I was given understanding that these were believers but they were standing under the rain of Holy Spirit. Father was pouring out a new rain of refreshing, restoration and empowerment now for this season. The umbrellas were hindering them from revelation light and from experiencing the power of a fresh outpouring of Holy Spirits rain.

The understanding I received on the meaning of the black umbrellas involved many things in the lives of believers that were preventing them from experiencing God’s rain. The black simply implied that dark clouds were blinding them from the light of the Son and shielding them from the wonderful refreshing Jesus is sending them. The umbrellas symbolized protective guards believers had raised up in their lives to avoid being hurt, vulnerable or made uncomfortable.

We as believers must ask Holy Spirit to reveal what is personally hindering us from His glorious refreshing rain. Is it FEAR of the supernatural, of deception, or fear of man, and anything you cannot understand with your mind? Is it doubt, discouragement, depression or despair? Is it Unbelief, bitter roots or unforgiveness which are large heavy umbrellas to keep holding up.

It may be some are under the dark bondages of religious traditions that are keeping you from being able to experience the new fresh rain Holy Spirit is sending. Wounded hearts, pride, grief, guilt, self-centeredness, or self-pity also can become these dark umbrellas preventing the very thing we all need most, more of Jesus.

All or any of these things in our lives, beloved, could be like the black umbrella’s the Lord was revealing. Does anything in the message of this vision speak to you? If so, then know that Jesus longs to show you and set you free. He is right there with you in the rain longing and ready to remove all these umbrellas from you, His beloved bride. He passionately longs for you to know Him, to feel His arms of great grace and unending love.

I pray you can hear the Lord , right now, and receive as Jesus speaks personally to you, ” I am here now to take your black umbrellas down, fold them up and toss them away never to be a hindrance to you again.” You can step into My refreshing rain, just stand in My peace, get drenched in My joy and soak in My healing You can receive My restoration, and absorb the empowerment I love to give.” Beloved cast every hindrance off for I love you perfectly, Jesus.



Today I felt the Lord prompting me to share a vision I had written in my journal in 2008. Hopefully it will bless someone.

I saw a beautiful Red Rose that was loosing its petals one by one. It stood tall as one last petal was falling off. It started to fall and as it fell I could see another complete Rose standing in its place. It was slightly different in that I just knew it was a Heavenly Rose, it was not temporary, and it seemed to be covered with something like a mist or cloud. It’s substance was not describable, but there was a different glow to it then I had ever seen. It was replacing the other temporal Rose.

The understanding given me from this vision is that it is a picture of the very process the Lord is doing in His people. I believe it has been a seven year season for many. The lovers of God who are surrendered will experience this transformation into the mighty but humble sons of God on the earth. Heaven is coming to earth and the process begins in us. The world is desperate for the body of Christ to make the real God known.

 Holy Spirit is creating  new things into the deep of our lives that we may arise and shine with His love and become those who carry His mind and heart to all nations of the earth.  For many 2015 is your year to arise so don’t miss it.

Every disciple of Christ is that beautiful Red Rose that is losing its natural petals, old thought patterns, old ways of doing things, fleshly passions and religious spirits one by one so that what appears in its place will be pure, supernatural and  eternal. Holy Spirit is working all things together in our lives that He might change us into this beautiful eternal Rose that carries the very characteristics of heaven and shines with His Glory through the supernatural petals of His miracluous love and power.

 2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Father we thank you for Your faithfulness to never give up on us. You change us into your likeness through all that comes our way. You are so much greater than our mistakes, failures and  wrong choices. Thank you for your love gift of repentance  through the blood of Christ. We say “YES and AMEN to the work Holy Spirit desires to do in us so that we are becoming like this “Eternal Red Rose of Glory” You want us Red with His blood covering and dwelling in His glory presence. Thank you Father, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name Amen.                                                                    Janee



 Picture in your mind a huge heart (God’s heart) coming down from heaven completely enveloping you so that your heart is being lifted up to abide and rest inside this big heart. Your heart is being consumed into His heart and becoming one. Can you see it? This is why God gave us an imagination that is like a canvas on which God can paint His pictures or like a screen where He can show us heavens movies.

 This vision came as I was sitting in a worship atmosphere in the congregation of a prophetic church. I was still before the Lord listening for His voice when I saw a huge heart so big it completely covered the whole building and the entire congregation. I knew it was God’s heart. I could sense it beating as it enveloped all of us. Each heart that was longing lovingly to be with Him was being empowered with His heartbeat. I could see hearts being lifted into His great big heart. And out of each heartbeat was the flow of God’s love and power. Within each new beat of His heart there was the mind of Christ and the will of our Father.

 I had been praying for several weeks for Him to show me how to live in this world every day from His heart where I first existed. I knew it was His will for us to learn how to live this life from His heart. Holy Spirit was showing me and giving me understanding through this vision.

 I knew that as our hearts continually longed and hungered to be with Him that we actually are drawing His big heart closer and closer to us until we are finally consumed with His great big heart. I knew our little love sick hearts could live this life inside His big heart and we could experience the heartbeat of God. God’s heart is our Home. Holy Spirit tells me this is how Jesus knew to do only what He saw the Father doing and saying. John 5:19 .We too can know the mind and will of God and do only what we see Him saying and doing. John 14:12 Glory! Glory! Glory!

“DRAW NEAR TO GOD (continually) AND HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO YOU”  James 4:8




Last evening my heart was heavily burdened for the suffering Christians and others in the war zones around the world, especially those connected to the Islamists called Isis.  I know the Lord is a very present help in times of trouble. I know He is the faithful lover of people everywhere. Even so, I was just crying out to Jesus, “Are you there with them?” Can you please help them?”

So today in Prayer I believe the Lord was showing me  the He is going to the war zones of the suffering. I began to see in vision the Lord sitting on a chair. He was leaning over to take off his sandals. He took them off and put on a pair of dark brown military boots that laced up. I saw Him as He sat there lacing up those boots. Then He stood up took off His robe and underneath he was dressed in a brown military uniform. He looked at me and said,

“I AM”,I AM going to the war zones.” And When Jesus shows up everything will change.

The Lord Jesus stands mighty in Power as the commander of the Lords army and He comes with His sword drawn as revealed in Joshua 5:13-15
The word of the Lord is the word of His power and holds all things together in this world. His word is a mighty sword against the enemy of all God’s creation.
Reference Hebrews 1:3.

Lets decree in pray church: When  The Lord Jesus, shows up in these places of suffering with His manifested presence there will be a change, there will be a rescue  for His people.

Janee Hawks


Jesus speaks to us in Revelation Chapter two addressing the Ephesian church that they had fallen from or left their “first love’. Therefore we know in these days prior to His coming it will be temptation to fall from your first love for Him and for each other. Also in Matthew 24:13 Jesus says that because lawlessness will abound in these days the love of many will grow cold. The Holy Spirit admonishes us to always ask Him to show us what we do not see.

What is a fist love relationship like? Think about it. Let me attempt to describe “first Love”.  That person who has just fallen in love with the one of their dreams is shining with joy and excitement. They are energized and ready to go to any extremes just to be with the one they love for another moment. They can’t wait to spend time together. The way that time is spent does not matter as long as they are together. How long it takes to get to where the other one is  or how hard  the journey may be it never seems like any trouble at all. The thoughts of being with that one is stronger than any difficulty it takes to make  it happen. The thoughts of sharing each others company makes all the other things in life seem less important. The hearts of a first love  just want to share  life together and live in love  forever. I believe I am describing a “first love relationship”.  Now of course that relationship grows and becomes much deeper and able to endure many things, but still the thoughts of being together brings a peace and genuine fulfillment  that nothing else can do. Nothing can compare to this relationship. The thrill and excitement of each other remains because of valuable time spend together, talking freely and often with each other and touching each others lives with goodness through the good times and the difficult times. You cry together feeling each others pain, you laugh together  feeling each others joy. Your hearts desire to please the one you love,  lifting them up and blessing them. The ” first love heart” lives and will die for the one they love, the greatest  of all friends.

Let me close with this, I believe I have come close in describing the “first love heart” that Jesus was talking about. His love is perfect and endless toward us. He wants us to love Him back in our “first love” and love one another. We can do this only through the love Holy Spirit so freely plants in us. Holy Spirit is the sweetheart of heaven. It is the same love  Father God has for Jesus and for us. We can fall in love with Jesus over and over again as we come to know Him more and more.  Just repent of your lack, receive the power of His blood that erases sin and return to Him again and again, seeking His presence in your life.  We must Just live with Jesus, close and committed to Him. Talk to Him; spend time seeking just Him. Know He is always with you. He never leaves you and never fails to be faithful and true. To know Him is to Love Him. He always welcomes you into His love. Just to see Him smile at me makes my life worthwhile.                                                                           Janee Hawks             Reading: Matthew 24; Revelation 2&3; I John.